Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site 2023-2024 Winter Use Schedule

Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site 2023-2024 Winter Use Schedule

22 November 2023 – Klondike Snowmobile Association

As usual, every third weekend from December through April has been designated as a non-motorized only weekend at the Chilkoot Trail National Historic Site (CTNHS).

Pursuant to Section 12(1) of the National Historic Parks General Regulations, the use of snowmobiles in the CTNHS is designated as restricted, prohibiting their use during non motorized weekends. This includes the operation, loading, and unloading of snowmobiles in the entire CTNHS, including the Log Cabin parking lot. Non-motorized weekends extend from 1:00 AM on Friday through 12:00 Midnight on Sunday, as identified on the published schedule. Snowmobiles are permitted at all other times. 

The 2023-2024 CTNHS winter use schedule has been posted on the Parks Canada website at, and for your convenience the dates have also been posted on our K.S.A. events page at

Any questions or comments regarding the CTNHS please contact Parks Canada at (867) 667 3910 or 1-800-661-0486, or visit

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