Messages from the K.S.A. President and the Yukon’s Community Service Minister Regarding Snowmobiling At The Haines And Skagway Summits
08 April 2020 – Klondike Snowmobile Association
Hi there KSA Members,
Snowmobiling is, and continues to be, a safe, fun and healthy outdoor activity. In addition to the direct physical health benefits of exercise in the outdoors, snowmobiling can be a great stress reliever in tense times such as these. Further, snowmobiling is a local economic driver at a time when ‘buy local’ is more important than ever.
Snowmobiling, like just about everything else in life, has been impacted by COVID-19. The Klondike Snowmobile Association encourages people to continue with safe and healthy outdoor recreation, including snowmobiling, but only if they can adhere to the direction made by the Chief Medical Officer of Health regarding physical distancing. We are sharing a letter below from Minister John Streicker requesting we not head to the Haines or Skagway summit over the Easter weekend. The government will be informing Yukoners through signage, advertising, social media posts and on the COVID-19 web pages.
Mark Daniels
President, KSA
Hi Klondike Snowmobile Association folks,
We have been working hard to reduce the risk of spread of COVID-19. I know that Easter weekend is typically a time when Yukon snowmobilers and backcountry enthusiasts head to the Haines and Skagway summits. Over the past week we had several conversations with community leaders in Carcross and Haines Junction. All of them have spoken about the elevated risk for their communities, especially with the coming weekend when folks tend to congregate at the summits. For example, I just got a letter, where Chief Dickson wrote to me “The government of Carcross/Tagish First Nation is deeply concerned about the amount of recreational traffic that is continuing to drive through and stop in our community. It is time for them to stay away. This past weekend was busy with snowmobilers and people at the store. We are especially concerned about this Easter long weekend…”
The message we are trying to get to Yukoners is that it is good to get outside; we are saying yes to fresh air, yes to exercise and yes active living. We are saying no to congregating, and no to any folks being closer than 2 m apart. We are asking Yukoners to be careful about riskier activities, because if anyone gets hurt and needs help, then we put responders at risk for COVID-19 too. We are also saying no to non-essential travel to our communities. We know spring is calling, but right now we have to keep our communities safe.
I am writing to ask Yukoners to not go to the summits this weekend. Like you, we support safe snowmobiling, and right now that means no congregating, keeping safe distances and not impacting our communities. Thank you to all Yukon snowmobilers and backcountry enthusiasts for making sacrifices right now to keep us all safe. It is in our power – each of us – to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in our territory.
Stay safe,
Hon. John Streicker
Minister of Community Services |
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