International Snowmobile Safety Week

International Snowmobile Safety Week

14 January 2023 – Klondike Snowmobile Association

January 14th through 22nd 2023 is International Snowmobile Safety Week!

Each and every year snowmobile manufacturers, dealers, associations, clubs, and enthusiasts around the world work hard to promote safe snowmobiling and support a variety of snowmobile safety programs.

Because of these efforts snowmobiling continues to be a fun and safe activity for the whole family. Riders like you can help us make snowmobiling safe, and International Snowmobile Safety Week is a great time to learn how.

Several snowmobile safety programs are now available for every skill level, and most of them are free for anyone to partake in.

The Safe Riders – You Make Snowmobiling Safe! program is a great place for new snowmobilers to begin. It’s completely free, you can go at your own pace from the comfort of your home, and there’s a ton of great information presented in easy to digest ways. It’s also a good review for more experienced snowmobilers and an excellent supplement to any formal training. Check it out today at

International Snowmobile Safety Week is also a great reminder for experienced snowmobilers to brush up on their skills. Do you recall the different types of ice and the relative strength of each? Is your avalanche training up to date? When was the last time you checked the expiry dates in your survival kit?

Join us on our Facebook and Twitter pages this week as we share daily snowmobile safety tips, links, posters and more. For more snowmobile safety information, tips, stats, links, and course information any time year-round please head over to the Safety section of our website at!

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