Spring Is Here!
23 April 2021 – Klondike Snowmobile Association
The spring melt is in full swing for most of the Yukon, which means snowmobiling season is almost over and grooming season is wrapping up.
Despite some mechanical setbacks we still managed a very successful season with two new operators and several long time operators putting in hundreds of volunteer hours grooming multi-use trails for you!
Record snow falls this year made for a great season, and nearly 100% positive interactions between groomers and trail users made it even better. It seemed everyone we met on the trails this season gave way to the grooming machines with a thumbs up and a thank you, which made the volunteering all worth it.
Our groomers are done for the season now, but we’ll have them ready to go again for next season and we look forward to grooming even more multi-use trails for you.
If your snowmobile season is also wrapping up, it’s a great time to do some preventative maintenance on your sled. Try running some fuel stabilizer through it for easier starting when the snow returns, and consider storing it slightly off the ground and under some sun and rain protection.
Any new parts it many need now is a great time to order them. We also recommend a thorough check over, tune up and lubrication at some point over the summer so your sled will be healthy and ready when the snow flies. A well maintained snowmobile will be safer, environmentally friendlier, and perform better. If you need parts, advise or assistance stop by your local dealer, they’ll be happy to help.
The snow base on most snowmobile trails is rapidly melting and plowing has begun in some areas, so as usual we will be closing down our trail conditions page for the summer at the end of April. Thank you everyone who took the time to send in trail reports this year!
Our trail conditions page will be back up and running when the snow flies next fall, so please check back and remember to send trail reports after your rides! We accept trail reports via many convenient ways and if you have a report for a trail not listed just let us know and we’ll add it in.
The rest of our website including news, events, photo gallery, safety tips, membership information, and much more, will continue to be available and updated year-round so bookmark the site, tell your friends, and check it out any time year-round!
Happy spring everyone…