2021 International Snowmobile Safety Week
16 January 2021 – Klondike Snowmobile Association
January 16th through 24th 2021 is International Snowmobile Safety Week! The Klondike Snowmobile Association strongly believes in safe snowmobiling, and we work hard year-round to promote and support snowmobile safety programs.
In celebration of International Snowmobile Safety Week, we’re inviting everyone to join us on Facebook (facebook.com/klondikesnowmobile) and Twitter (@KSAyukon) to follow along as we post snowmobile safety tips, links and stories every day throughout the week.
We also recommend snowmobilers check out the Safe Riders – You make snowmobiling safe! program, which can be found at https://www.saferiderssafetyawareness.org/. It’s a long standing program supported by most snowmobile organizations across North America, and it’s an excellent source of snowmobile safety information!
For more snowmobile safety information any time year round check out the safety page on our website! There you’ll find an extensive list of snowmobile safety tips as well as links to safety courses, avalanche information, ice safety, and much more.
Safe rides everyone!