Snowmobile Laws and Bylaws
Many jurisdictions across North America and around the world have implemented rules and regulations for snowmobiles. Below are links to the snowmobile laws and bylaws that apply in the Yukon, as well as some information regarding licensing and registration requirements and a quick-reference guide to common snowmobile rules.
Yukon Snowmobile Law and Bylaw Links:
- Yukon Motor Vehicles Act (See part 13.1 for snowmobiles)
- Whitehorse Snowmobile Bylaw (Bylaw 2012-01)
- City of Whitehorse Snowmobile Webpage
- Get your City of Whitehorse Safe Snowmobile Card
Snowmobile Licensing and Registration Requirements in the Yukon:
Most public lands in the Yukon are open to snowmobile use. However, there are some basic requirements that must be met, and there are restrictions for environmentally protected areas, parks, and other specific land areas. In addition, some municipalities have implemented extra requirements and restrictions for snowmobile use within their boundaries. Please check the areas you will be riding in prior to your ride for any specific requirements or restrictions.
In the Yukon Territory:
- Helmet use is required at all times for snowmobile operators and passengers under age 16, and when operating on or across a maintained roadway for operators and passengers 16 and over. Helmet use at all times by all snowmobile operators and passengers is highly recommended.
- When operating a snowmobile on or across any maintained roadway the operator must have a valid drivers license, the snowmobile must be registered and insured, and you must follow the rules described in the Motor Vehicles Act.
- Never operate a snowmobile on private property without prior permission from the owner or occupant.
When operating snowmobiles anywhere within Whitehorse city limits you must follow the Yukon laws as well as have the following:
- Either a Whitehorse Safe Snowmobile Card or proof that you are not a resident of Whitehorse,
- A valid drivers license,
- Public liability insurance, registration and license plate for the snowmobile,
- Wear an approved helmet at all times while operating snowmobiles.
Basic Operating Rules:
Note: This is a simplified quick-reference guide, please refer to the laws and bylaws linked above for the actual regulations.
- Always wear an approved helmet and appropriate winter clothing when operating and/or riding a snowmobile.
- Public liability insurance is required for snowmobiling in many areas.
- Never operate a snowmobile on private property without first obtaining the permission of the owner or occupant.
- A snowmobile should never be operated in a manner that can reasonably be considered a nuisance or annoyance to other residents or visitors.
- When possible avoid operating snowmobiles near any residences between 11 PM and 7 AM.
- All snowmobiles should have a properly working headlight, tail light and brake light.
- Muffler cut-outs, straight exhausts, or other volume-increasing devices should not be used as they will scare wildlife and annoy people.
- A rigid tow bar should be used between a snowmobile and any towed object.
- When operating a snowmobile from a place of residence, the operator should take the most direct route to the nearest place where they may lawfully operate a snowmobile, and snowmobiles should not be operated on roads or highways for other purposes.
- A snowmobile must yield the right of way to all other motor vehicles and pedestrians.
- When operating a snowmobile on a roadway never operate on a sidewalk, but always stay as near to the right hand curb or edge of road as practical.
- When operating a snowmobile across a highway or road:
– Always stop before entering onto a highway or roadway
– Yield the right of way to any approaching vehicles or pedestrians
– Drive across as near as possible to right angles - Unless otherwise posted, the maximum speed allowed on a snowmobile in Whitehorse city limits is 50 km/h. Many other jurisdictions have similar speed limits for snowmobiles.
- Upon meeting or passing pedestrians, skiers, dogs, etc., snowmobilers should slow to 15 km/h or less and move over as far as practical to allow safe passing.
- Many municipalities have restrictions on where snowmobiles may be operated. In Whitehorse snowmobiles may not be operated in the following areas at any time:
– Downtown and on the Millennium Trail
– Boulevards and other restricted roadways
– Campgrounds, cemeteries and playgrounds
– Designated environmentally sensitive areas
– Ski trails
– Open water - Every operator of a snowmobile must stop if they are signaled or requested to stop by an officer, and should provide any information required and remain stopped until permission to leave has been granted.
Regardless of whether or not it’s mandatory, for everyone’s safety the Klondike Snowmobile Association highly recommends that everyone wears a helmet, uses lights, and carries public liability insurance at all times when operating snowmobiles.