Copper Haul Road Closures – Update
31 December 2019 – Klondike Snowmobile Association
The Copper Haul Road from the Fish Lake road staging area for approximately two kilometers south is now closed due to a wash out and failing culverts. The City of Whitehorse has heavy equipment in the area working on it and is kindly asking all recreational trail users to please find alternate routes for now. This section of trail should be open again within a couple of weeks and we will post another update when the trail is open.
The Copper Haul Road between McLean Lake trail and Mt. Sima road intersections also remains closed at this time as contractors continue to make progress on the fire smart program. We will also post further updates when this section of trail is open again.
Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding while we work to fix and improve this main line of The Great Trail!