Expect The Unexpected!
02 January 2022 – Klondike Snowmobile Association
A friendly reminder to always expect the unexpected while out on the trails.
One of our groomer operators recently came across this nice little trap on the side of the Hamilton Blvd multi-use trail near the Canada Games Centre. It is a sign post base that was left behind after the rest of the sign was either knocked over or stolen, and then buried in the snow before any of our volunteers had a chance to replace the sign.

Recently in the Whitehorse area we’ve noticed many multi-use trail signs are being knocked down and/or stolen so there are likely more of these out there, and these are just one example of the many hazards you may come across.
While on the topic, please please please do not take signs from the trails or knowingly knock them down. Most multi-use trail signs are purchased with your membership fees and installed by volunteers. Not only is it frustrating for our volunteers and a waste of donated money, removing signs is downright dangerous for other trail users. If you would like a sign for your living room wall please contact us and we will happily get you one from our stock. While out on the trails if you notice any signs are missing please let us know and we will add it to our list of signs needing replacement.
Ride safe everyone!