Hamilton Boulevard Trail Plowing
26 February 2020 – Klondike Snowmobile Association
The Klondike Snowmobile Association packs and grooms the Hamilton Boulevard Multi-Use Trail during the snowmobiling season to allow snowmobilers, pedestrians, and other winter trail users to safely share the trail. This typically goes until the end of March, after which the City of Whitehorse takes over and plows the trail for pedestrian safety during the spring melt.
For the 2020 season in early March the City of Whitehorse will begin plowing the Hamilton Boulevard Multi-Use Trail from the Alaska Highway to Sumanik Drive to accommodate the much higher than normal pedestrian traffic expected along this section during the Arctic Winter Games being hosted in Whitehorse during mid-March.
The remainder of the Hamilton Boulevard Multi-Use Trail from Sumanik Drive up is expected to be groomed snow until the end of March as per normal.