Klondike Snowmobile Association Update

Klondike Snowmobile Association Update

13 November 2018 – Klondike Snowmobile Association

It’s been another busy year at the Klondike Snowmobile Association, and the work is continuing…

We recently held our Annual General Meeting in Whitehorse and after some brief introductions we reviewed the 2017/2018 K.S.A. year. During the 2017/2018 season we began operating our new Kubota groomer and are pleased to report it’s working well. We made progress on several trail projects as well as several behind the scenes projects, and maintained good working relationships with our corporate sponsors and several other user groups around the Yukon. We also introduced a few new things this season.

  • We introduced a new online membership form, you can now save time and paper by submitting your form and paying your membership fees entirely online.
  • We are also introducing a new form on our Trail Conditions page, so you can quickly and easily submit trail reports directly from the website.
  • Also new for this year was during the municipal elections we put together a survey for the candidates and shared the results in the hope that it would help snowmobilers make more informed voting decisions.
  • 2017/2018 was another record for K.S.A. membership numbers, for the first time in our history we had over 1000 people sign up. Thanks to the ever increasing support from our membership, we are happy to report that we finished the year in a financially stable position and we are ready to move right along into the 2018/2019 season.

After reviewing the past season, we elected our 2018/2019 Board of Directors. Welcome new Directors Jean-Pascal and Dale to our team! The remainder of the Board is much the same as it was last year. As usual our board meetings are being held monthly and everyone is welcome to attend, dates and details are on our Events page.

Looking into the 2018/2019 season, things are looking good. Snow has arrived in the Yukon, and we are in the final stages of having our groomers ready to hit the trails. We are still looking for more volunteers though, if you are interested check out our Volunteer page! Our membership numbers are healthy, already over 700 people have renewed. If you haven’t already renewed, check out our new online membership form – you can now submit your form and pay your fee online, no mailing or drop off required! We are also introducing a new form on our Trail Conditions page, so you can quickly and easily submit trail reports directly from the website. We have some exciting snowmobile events coming up, check them out on our events page.

Happy riding!

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