K.S.A. Membership Season
13 September 2018 – Klondike Snowmobile Association
The 2017/2018 membership year was another record for Klondike Snowmobile Association, for the first time ever we had over 1000 members. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members for their support over the years! Your memberships directly support our multi-use trail system, snowmobile safety and education programs, community snowmobile events, a winter tourism industry, the Trans Canada Trail, and more.
All 2017/2018 K.S.A. Memberships expire on 30 September 2018, but we’re now accepting renewals for 2018/2019. New members are always welcome as well, so tell your friends!
New for 2018 we have a brand new online membership form, you can now submit your K.S.A. membership form and pay your fee all online, no more printing needed and no mailing or dropping off required! Check out our Membership page for details. For anyone not interested in the new technology there is still an option to print the form and send it in the old way as well.
As usual, September is a busy month for our volunteers so please send in your renewals early so our volunteers can get your new cards in the mail before your old cards expire.