K.S.A. Newsletter Changes

K.S.A. Newsletter Changes

10 January 2020 – Klondike Snowmobile Association

The Klondike Snowmobile Association for many years had issues of SnoRiders Magazine mailed to each member for free as a membership benefit, and included with these magazines was a quarterly Klondike Snowmobile Association Newsletter. After the Fall 2019 edition SnoRiders switched to an on-line only publication and as a result we are no longer able to send our quarterly printed newsletter with it.

SnoRiders is once again publishing Klondike Snowmobile Association news, however it’s in a new on-line format, available now at https://snoriderswest.com/clubnews/klondike_snowmobile_association.

We are currently working on an overhauled version of this News page to better align with the new changes, so stay tuned!

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