Klondike Snowmobile Association Update

Klondike Snowmobile Association Update

16 November 2017 – Klondike Snowmobile Association

It’s been a busy year for the K.S.A., and work is continuing for the upcoming snowmobile season…

We’ve recently acquired a new trail groomer, a Kubota side by side on tracks towing a new larger grooming drag. We ran it on wheels over the fall season to break it in, and it’s now on tracks and ready to groom the trails. This was a huge financial project for the K.S.A., and we are still open to donations via our GoFundMe campaign at www.gofundme.com/ksagroomer. We greatly appreciate everyone’s help with it and look forward to having it on the trails for you this winter!

Our Annual General Meeting was held on 06 Nov 2017. After looking back on another successful year, we elected our 2017/2018 Board of Directors and discussed the upcoming season. Attendance at our AGM was noticeably higher than in previous years, and things are looking good for the upcoming season. At this point we are financially stable, we have a full compliment on our Board of Directors, we have our new groomer in service, we are on track to meet or exceed last year’s record membership numbers, and we have several events planned for our members over the coming winter.

More events is once again becoming a common theme in the “What would you like to see the K.S.A. do this year?” section of our membership applications, so we are doing just that! We have begun planning several group snowmobile rides for the 2017/2018 season, including an aurora viewing ride, a take a friend snowmobiling ride, a family ice fishing day, and our annual Dawson Overland ride. Details on these events and many more are available on our events page. If you have an idea for a K.S.A. event let us know, we’re always open to suggestions.

This past summer we hosted a series of trail work evenings, which had several volunteers out on the trails on a regular basis over the summer to help clear overgrown trails, remove fallen trees, update signage, and so on. We are hoping to continue this project next summer but we will need more volunteers, so we have begun putting together an e-mail list of everyone who would be interested in coming out. Further details are posted on our Volunteer page, and if you are interested in helping please let us know via e-mail at klonsnow@gmail.com.

We are also seeking volunteers to fill a variety of other rolls, both summer and winter, and details can be found on our Volunteer page.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members and volunteers for your continued support, our success would be impossible without you. We look forward to continuing to serve Yukon snowmobilers in 2017/2018, and as always if you have any comments or suggestions, or would like to get involved, please do contact us or come out to one of our meetings or events! Times, dates and locations of our meetings are listed on our Events page.

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