New Addition to the Klondike Snowmobile Association’s Grooming Fleet

New Addition to the Klondike Snowmobile Association’s Grooming Fleet

17 February 2023 – Klondike Snowmobile Association

The Klondike Snowmobile Association is proud to announce a new addition to our trail grooming fleet!

We have recently picked up a brand new 900ACE powered Ski-Doo Skandic SWT fresh off the lot from our friends at Yukon Honda. Our operators are currently giving it some gentle break in hours, after which we will be doing some minor modifications to set it up for safely towing our grooming equipment and then it will be out on the trails working hard for you!

Our other grooming snowmobiles, an older Skandic SWT and a Polaris Widetrak, have been serving us well for many years, however they are getting on in age and have already achieved some impressively high mileage so it was determined by the board that it’s time to begin renewing the fleet.

This new machine will be set up similarly to our older snowmobiles, however with help from the latest technology and innovations the snowmobile industry has to offer it promises our volunteer groomer operators a more comfortable, more reliable and more fuel efficient snowmobile with which we can continue grooming multi-use trails for you for many years to come.

We’d like to shout out a huge thank you to everyone involved in acquiring our new snowmobile, especially Yukon Honda for bringing in the model we needed, the Community Development Fund for funding a large portion of the purchase price, and of course our members for encouraging and supporting our efforts year after year.

We look forward to having it out working for you soon!

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