It’s International Take A Friend Snowmobiling Week!
08 February 2020 – Klondike Snowmobile Association
February 8th through 17th 2020 is International Take A Friend Snowmobiling Week. Take A Friend Snowmobiling week happens every February across North America with dozens of Canadian and American snowmobile associations participating.
Research has found that many people who do not snowmobile indicated they would be interested in trying snowmobiling, but don’t know where or how to start.
One of the best ways to get these people onto a snowmobile is to simply have a friend who does snowmobile offer to take them out for a ride and show them what it’s all about and how much fun it can be. This encourages more people to come out and try it and also gives them an easy and fun chance to give snowmobiling a try before committing thousands of dollars to snowmobiles and accessories.
The purpose of Take A Friend Snowmobiling week is to have snowmobilers invite their non-snowmobiler friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, and anyone else who might be interested out for an introductory ride.
Here in the Yukon the Klondike Snowmobile Association is helping the cause by hosting our annual Take a Friend Snowmobiling Group Ride. We are going for a group ride on Sunday, 09 February 2020, and we are encouraging all members to come on out and bring their friends. We will be keeping it a fairly easy ride suitable for beginners so all types of snowmobile and riders of all skill levels are welcome to come.
Our K.S.A. Annual Take a Friend Snowmobiling ride is free and open to everyone, however pre-registration is required by the end of Saturday 08 February 2020. This is so our volunteers know how many riders to plan for and can contact participants if there are any last minute changes due to weather or trail conditions.
For full details on our Take a Friend group ride and to register please see our Events page at
For more information on Take A Friend Snowmobiling Week check out and